Star Macs’ Off-Platform Policy

By providing service on Star Macs, you agree to abide by our terms and policies, including our Terms of Service, which we reserve the right to enforce at our sole discretion. In the event of repeated or severe violations, we may suspend or permanently deactivate a person’s account.

In order to protect our community and business, the following behaviors are prohibited:

Taking people off of the Star Macs platform for new, partial, or future bookings

  • Contacting potential customers prior to booking on Star Macs to move the booking off of Star Macs (ex: offering discounts to book off of Star Macs)
  • Asking customers to fill out forms, or call, email, prior to accepting booking requests
  • Canceling existing full or partial reservations and having customers rebook off of Star Macs
  • Asking or encouraging customers to book outside of Star Macs for repeat or future bookings
  • Including links or embedding buttons (ex: footers, headers) that take people off of Star Macs to another website.

Asking customers for, or using, identity information in ways unrelated to their order

  • Soliciting customers for their email, mailing address, after a booking
    Asking customers for contact information after a booking in order to run credit checks or background checks
  • Asking customers to send photos of their government ID prior to start work except where required for legal or compliance reasons as outlined below
  • Asking for or using customers’ contact information to settle additional payments outside of Star Macs’ platform; all payments related to a customer’s order, including extensions of a rental order (and besides exceptions identified below), must go through Star Macs
  • Using contact information provided by Star Macs for other purposes that violate our Terms of Service
  • Selling, sharing, or using customer contact information for marketing communications or signing customers up for contact lists