Implications of background checks

Learn about how the background checks we perform can impact your account.

Booking delays

Background checks may delay last-minute orders booked within 48 hours of the latest possible start work time. If the customer’s criminal record shows an offense that isn’t against our policies, the booking will be held with a Pending status while we confirm additional information. After that, we’ll let the customer know if they can book. They can also choose to cancel for free, as long they do so before the reservation is confirmed via email.


Removal depends on the of the illegal activities history:

If we checked the Customer Company or a Supplier Company has involved in illegal activities that violate other’s property rights like stealing of government property by ordering the machinery to excavate, the booking will be held with a Pending status while we confirm additional information.


If you receive a removal notice, and you’d like to appeal it, there are two ways to go about it:

  1. You can respond to it directly
  2. Or, simply contact customer service

Our team of specialists will then review and assess your eligibility for reinstatement.